There's a problem...

No, aside from Google not being able to open my domain, I have been editing, re-editing, reading, re-editing my reviews and it took me 3 hours to figure out what's the problem. The default ink is GRAY.

I'm not usually a sensing type of person, I'm actually almost intuitive all of the time. I have been typing for an hour and sense something's wrong but have no idea what it is. After another hour, I get frustrated because it's boring and I just can't get myself to read what I wrote (that's everytime I hit preview). Then I finally realize what the real problem is.

So there you go, epic story.

Meanwhile, I've been struggling because something's wrong with google. Huhuhu. And I just recently bought a domain! But I can't use it because google's being weird! Their message goes:
Maintenance in progress - Domain switching disabled

Anyway, I have been waiting on Brett from Blogger for any information on this, but it seems this might take a while. sigh.

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